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Encrypts and obfuscates Axon source code (for SkySpark 3.0.x only)
afAxonatorExtAxon funcs

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axonateFile(axonFile, passPhrase, keyFunc: null, options: null)

Encrypts the given Axon trio file by obfuscating the src fields.

passPhrase is a seed string that's used to generate the actual secretKey used to encrypt the axon source code.


axonateFile(`io/funcs.trio`, "<passPhrase>")

Returns a Dict which contains, amongst other fields, the secret key needed to run the functions.

By default, the encrypted source contains the secretKey which is fine for obfuscation and general purpose use. Alternatively a keyFunc may be passed in. The keyFunc should either be a Str of Axon code, or a Fn that returns a Str of Axon code, that when executed returns the secretKey. Also see axonatorStackHubKeyFunc.

If keyFunc is an Axon Fn it is called with two arguments: fnName and secretKey.

options defaults to null and is not used at this time.

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Dict axonateFile(Uri axonFile, Str passPhrase, Obj? keyFunc := null, Dict? options := null)
axonateFunc(funcRec, passPhrase, keyFunc: null, options: null)

Encrypts the given function record by obfuscating the src field.

passPhrase is a seed string that's used to generate the actual secretKey used to encrypt the axon source code.


{func, name:"fnName", src:"()=>69"}.axonateFunc("<passPhrase>")

Returns a Dict which contains, amongst other fields, the secret key needed to run the function.

By default, the encrypted source contains the secretKey which is fine for obfuscation and general purpose use. Alternatively a keyFunc may be passed in. The keyFunc should either be a Str of Axon code, or a Fn that returns a Str of Axon code, that when executed returns the secretKey. Also see axonatorStackHubKeyFunc.

If keyFunc is an Axon Fn it is called with two arguments: fnName and secretKey.

options defaults to null and is not used at this time.

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Dict axonateFunc(Dict funcRec, Str passPhrase, Obj? keyFunc := null, Dict? options := null)
axonatorStackHubKeyFunc(stackHubKey, stackHubVal)

Returns a keyFunc function that finds a StackHub licence that matches the given key and value, and returns the axonatorKey property from that licence.




a matching product ID, example:. xxxx-xxxx productName


a simple package version, example:. pkg 1.0

The returned keyFunc can only be used in axonate functions.


keyFunc : axonatorStackHubKeyFunc("product", "xxxx-xxxx productName")
axonate : axonateFile(`io/funcs.trio`, "<passPhrase>", keyFunc)
Fantom signature:
@Axon static Obj axonatorStackHubKeyFunc(Str stackHubKey, Str stackHubVal)
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