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Generates demo data (site/equip/point + historical data + weather station) and a model. The model was identified using historical data generated by etDemogen
function. All records generated by etDemogen
function have tag etDemogen
tag (useful for demo data removal). Note that etDemogen
function can be used without a valid Energy Twin license.
No parameters
This function fixes corrupted models by setting to default missing or invalid tags. Note that not all corrupted models can be fixed. The function does not change model parameters from model identification.
etFixModels(readAll(etModel and mySpecialTag))
Returns an Energy Twin model that is linked to the point provided as a function parameter.
This function can be used as hisfunc
. It returns the difference between measurement and prediction (residuals). Tag measurementPointRef
on hisfunc
point is required. This tag references point with measured data and linked Energy twin model.
Standard hisFunc
adding the point tag
hisFunc : etHisFuncDifference
This function can be used as hisfunc
. It returns Energy Twin model prediction. Tag measurementPointRef
on hisfunc
point is required. This tag references point with measured data and linked Energy twin model.
Standard hisFunc
adding the point tag
hisFunc : etHisFuncPrediction
Rule-ready KPI function that calculates the difference between measured and predicted values.
Standard rule
Use the Rule app to crate this KPI.
Rule-ready KPI function that focuses on the difference between Saturday and Sunday energy consumption profiles. See the ET KPI sim.
application for details.
Standard rule
KPI can be easily created via the user interface in the ET KPI sim.
Rule-ready KPI function that focuses on avoidable energy during weekend setback. See the ET KPI sim.
application for details.
Standard rule
KPI can be easily created via the user interface in the ET KPI sim.
Rule-ready KPI function that focuses on setback savings potential. See the ET KPI sim.
application for details.
Standard rule
KPI can be easily created via the user interface in the ET KPI sim.
application. KPI parameters can be interactively adjusted there before creating KPI.
Rule-ready KPI function that focuses on weather-dependent load. See the ET KPI sim.
application for details. KPI can be easily created via the user interface in the ET KPI sim.
Standard rule
KPI can be easily created via the user interface in the ET KPI sim.
application. KPI parameters can be interactively adjusted there before creating KPI.
Rule-ready KPI function that focuses on weather-dependent load. See the ET KPI sim.
application for details. KPI can be easily created via the user interface in the ET KPI sim.
Standard rule
KPI can be easily created via the user interface in the ET KPI sim.
application. KPI parameters can be interactively adjusted there before creating KPI.
This function will create new model.
on pointRef function to get schedulescheduleRef
etModelCreate("my model 1", read(point)->id, 2019) etModelCreate("my model 2", read(point)->id, 2019, {scheduleType:"occupiedEveryDay"}) etModelCreate("my model 3", read(point)->id, 2019, {allowNegativeValues:true, preprocessingFunc:"myPreprocessingFunc", additionalTrainingPeriods:[2020-01, 2020-03]})
Returns measurement of model with correct sampling interval. Can be used to hisJoin with etModelPredict.
This function calculates the prediction of the given model. Occupancy and weather data are loaded using weather corresponding to a given point and its schedule. Prediction is composed of mean value and std. Output grid columns are named accordingly "vPred" and "vStd".
: adds measurement ,eg: {includeMeasurement}interval
: based on value aggregates data, eg: {interval: 1day}etModelPredict(read(etModel),2019-01)
etModelPredict(read(etModel),2019-01, {includeMeasurement, interval: 1day})
This function calculates the prediction of the given model. Prediction is given separately for weather-dependent load and time-dependent load. Occupancy and weather data are loaded using weather corresponding to a given point and its schedule. Prediction is composed:
In the current version of EnergyTwin STD is modelled only based on time, thus betaSTD values are expected to be zero.
This function will add models to training queue.
etModelTrain([@modelId1, @modelId2, readAll(etModel)[3]) etModelTrain(@modelId)
Rule-ready spark function that detects a deviation of measured values from values predicted by a model. The threshold value is defined as an absolute value (same unit as a point).
Standard rule
parameters. For customization use the standard Tuning framework (parameter threshold
). Default parameters can be adjusted in the ET Spark Sim.
application before creating a spark.
Spark can be easily created via the user interface in the ET Spark Sim.
Rule-ready spark function that detects a deviation of measured values from values predicted by a model. The threshold value is compared with the integrated difference between measured values and predicted values.
Standard rule
parameters. For customization use the standard Tuning framework (parameter threshold
). Default parameters can be adjusted in the ET Spark Sim.
application before creating a spark.
Spark can be easily created via the user interface in the ET Spark Sim.
Rule-ready spark function that detects a deviation of measured values from values predicted by a model. The threshold value is defined as an relative value (percent).
Standard rule
parameters. For customization use the standard Tuning framework (parameter threshold
). Default parameters can be adjusted in the ET Spark Sim.
application before creating a spark.
Spark can be easily created via the user interface in the ET Spark Sim.
Rule-ready spark function that detects a deviation of measured values from values predicted by a model. This function make use of statistical properties. The threshold is defined as mutliple of standard deviation. For example, with threshold set to 3, the spark condition will be as follows: measured > predicted + 3 * standardDeviation
Standard rule
parameters. For customization use the standard Tuning framework (parameter threshold
). Default parameters can be adjusted in the ET Spark Sim.
application before creating a spark.
Spark can be easily created via the user interface in the ET Spark Sim.