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Version control Axon functions and Folio records, with GIT and SCM tools
afFolioFileSyncExtCustom defs

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Tag used to denote records to be synced.

This tag is optional, filters for Folio File Sync subscriptions include this as default to prevent unintentional syncs.


Tag used to denote records that have been synced.

This tag is applied to and should only exist within synced trio files. Any .trio files not containing this tag will be skipped when syncing records from the file system into folio.


Tag used to track the last time this file was synced from the file system to Folio.

This timestamp is used to prevent records synced in to Folio from then immediately syncing back out again to the file system.


Tag used to denote generic records to be synced.

This tag is optional, and is used only as an example for filtering for generic records to be synced.

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