sfxDQFindNoise(thePoint, dates, delta: 0%, dur: 16min)
Find Noise
- This rule runs at the point level.
- This rule looks for data groups that have changed by a certain percentage from a previous group.
- The percentage will be determined automatically if no delta and dur parameters are given.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, an optional delta, and an optional duration.
- Output: hisDurGrid
- sfxDQFindNoise(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth)
- sfxDQFindNoise(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 5%, 30min)
sfxDQFindNulls(thePoint, dates, interval: 15min)
Find Missing Values
- This rule runs at the point level.
- Do rollups of the expected interval of the data. Then, look for empty periods.
does the same thing, but is more advanced.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, and an expected interval.
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQFindNulls(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 20min)
sfxDQFindOddities(thePoint, dates)
Find Oddities
- This rule runs at the point level.
- Finds nulls, NAs, or numbers less than or equal to 0.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point and a date/date range.
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQFindOddities(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth)
sfxDQFindOutliers(thePoint, dates, sDs: 3)
Find Outliers Based on Standard Deviation
- This rule runs at the point level.
- This rule has been modified to rely on the hisDQAverage and hisDQstdDev tags that come from the DQJob.
- sDs is the number of standard deviations you want this rule to allow for before a spark is detected. If a history record is below or above 3 stdDev, it will cause a spark in this form (you can change this).
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, and optionally, how many standard deviations to go out.
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQFindOutliers(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 4)
sfxDQJob(reInitialize: 1mo, dateRange: pastYear, filter: "point and kind==\"Number\" and hisSize > 1", modeInterval: 1)
Data Quality Job
- Run as task or job
- Adds Descriptive Tags to Numeric Points
- Run this as a job weekly
- reInitialize tells SkySpark how often to update tags
- Descriptive tags can be modified by user on the fly or with tuning function.
- Monthly running yearly total normalizes for many things.
- Dependencies: Calculus and Signal Analysis Pods.
- Side Effects: Adds several statistical tags to all numeric points that can be used for complex rules.
- Input: Optional reInitialize interval and option how far back to go (default is 1mo and pastYear).
- Output: None.
sfxDQMismatchedEnergyUsage(thePoint, dates, buffer: 0.8)
Find Where Energy Out is not in Line with other Records
- This rule runs at the point level.
- Use tags from data quality job to look for energy in/out outliers.
- This rule is currently designed to run on
zone air temp sensor
points and then go to the equip (usually ahu) level, find the weatherPoint temp
(via siteRef
and weatherRef
) and finally the siteMeter energy point
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A
zone air temp point
, a date/date range, and optional buffer.
- The buffer determines what percentage of the pastYear's absolute min or max is acceptable. if old: {min: 50, max: 100, buffer: 0.8} then run against: {minThresh: 62.5, maxThresh: 80} (50/0.8 = 62.5 and 100*0.8 = 80)
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQMismatchedEnergyUsage(read(zone and air and temp and sensor), pastMonth, 0.7)
sfxDQOutlierThresh(thePoint, dates, threshold: 1000)
Find Values too High.
- This rule runs at the point level.
- Find Outliers based on threshold and its inverse.
- Dependencies: None.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, and a threshold.
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQOutlierThresh(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 100)
sfxDQOutofRange(thePoint, dates, buffer: 0.8)
Find Outliers
- This rule runs at the point level.
- Use tags from data quality job to look for outliers.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, and optional buffer.
- The buffer determines what percentage of the pastYear's absolute min or max is acceptable.
- if old: {min: 50, max: 100, buffer: 0.8} then run against: {minThresh: 62.5, maxThresh: 80} (50/0.8 = 62.5 and 100*0.8 = 80)
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQOutofRange(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 0.7)
sfxDQRateofChange(thePoint, dates, buffer: 0.8)
Find Rate of Change too High
- This rule runs at the point level.
- sfxDQRateofChange() does the same thing, but is more advanced.
- Use tags from data quality job to look for rate-of-change outliers.
- Dependencies: Calculus and Signal Analysis Pods.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, and an optional buffer.
- The buffer determines what percentage of the pastYear's absolute max negative or max positive rate of change is acceptable.
- if oldROC: {maxNegROC: -10, maxPosROC: 10, buffer: 0.8} then run against: {maxNegROCThresh: -8, maxPosROCThresh: 8} (-10*0.8 = -8 and 10*0.8 = 8)
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQRateofChange(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 0.7)
sfxDQRateofChangeThresh(thePoint, dates, threshold: 5)
Find Rate of Change too High
- This rule runs at the point level.
- Use tags from data quality job to look for rate-of-change outliers.
- Dependencies: Calculus and Signal Analysis Pods.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, and a threshold.
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQRateofChangeThresh(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 10)
sfxDQTSGap(thePoint, dates, buffer: 1.9)
Find Gaps in Data
- This rule runs at the point level.
- Use tags from data quality job to look for missing data/intervals.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, and an optional buffer.
- The buffer determines what percentage of the pastYear's median ts interval is acceptable.
- if oldTSInt: {medTSInt: 15min, buffer: 1.9} then run against: {medTSIntThresh: 28.5min} (15min*1.9 = 28.5min)
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQTSGap(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 1.8)
sfxDQZScoreOutofBounds(thePoint, dates, buffer: 0.8)
Find Outliers using ZScore
- This rule runs at the point level.
- Use tags from data quality job to look for outliers.
- Side Effects: None.
- Input: A point, a date/date range, and optional ZScore override.
- Output: hisDurGrid
sfxDQZScoreOutofBounds(read(temp and discharge), pastMonth, 0.9)