sfxSignalAnalysisExt icon


Allows you to filter out noise, only show noise, or plot duration vs frequency of events in history grids.
sfxSignalAnalysisExtAxon funcs

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sfxEnergyInOut(theAhu, dates)

Compare Temperature Differential to SiteMeter's Energy

  • Requires zone air temp sensor point on equip, weatherPoint temp, and siteMeter needs energy point
  • Side Effects: None
  • Input: equip (usually ahu) with zone air temp sensor and dates
  • Output: kWh / deltaTemp hisGrid
  • read(ahu).sfxEnergyInOut(pastMonth)
sfxFourier(hisGrid, filter: null, theChartType: "bar")

Plot duration vs frequency

  • Works on booleans or lambdas of other kinds such as numerics
  • Must only have 2 states (forced by lambdas)
  • Only works on a single ts and a single v0 column
  • Side Effects: None
  • Input: ts, v0 grid
  • Output: Transmuted history grid of ts, v0 columns
  • Filter used appears in col meta data
  • read(cool).hisRead(2016-07).sfxFourier
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(2016-07).sfxFourier(x => x > 70, "scatter")
sfxHisDurPlot(hisGrid, delta: 0%, dur: 16min, theChartType: "scatter")

Plot duration bucket vs frequency

  • Percentage and Duration thresholds determined manually or automatically
  • Supports a true History Grid with multiple V columns
  • Side Effects: Data interpolated, multiple histories that do not start and/or end around same time will result in leading and trailing 0s
  • leading and trailing 0s and length of entire window will affect results in auto mode
  • Input: ts, val*n grid where val*n can be multiple V columns with only numbers
  • Output: Transmuted history grid of ts, V*n columns
  • delta and dur used appear in column meta data
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisDurPlot
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisDurPlot(50%, 16min, "bar")
  • readAll(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisDurPlot
  • readAll(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisDurPlot(50%, 16min)
sfxHisNoiseFilter(hisGrid, delta: 0%, dur: 16min)

Remove low duration events

  • Percentage and Duration thresholds determined manually or automatically
  • Supports a true History Grid with multiple V columns
  • Side Effects: Data interpolated, multiple histories that do not start and/or end around same time will result in leading and trailing 0s
  • leading and trailing 0s and length of entire window will affect results in auto mode
  • Input: ts, val*n grid where val*n can be multiple V columns with only numbers
  • Output: Transmuted history grid of ts, V*n columns
  • delta and dur used appear in column meta data
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisNoiseFilter
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisNoiseFilter(50%, 16min)
  • readAll(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisNoiseFilter
  • readAll(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisNoiseFilter(50%, 16min)
sfxHisShowNoise(hisGrid, delta: 0%, dur: 16min)

Remove high duration events

  • Percentage and Duration thresholds determined manually or automatically
  • Supports a true History Grid with multiple V columns
  • Side Effects: Data interpolated, multiple histories that do not start and/or end around same time will result in leading and trailing 0s
  • leading and trailing 0s and length of entire window will affect results in auto mode
  • Input: ts, val*n grid where val*n can be multiple V columns with only numbers
  • Output: Transmuted history grid of ts, V*n columns
  • delta and dur used appear in column meta data
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisShowNoise
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisShowNoise(50%, 16min)
  • readAll(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisShowNoise
  • readAll(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisShowNoise(50%, 16min)
sfxMode(src, binsOrInterval: 1)

Find One or More Modes for Dataset

  • The interval parameter determines what range constitutes the same number
  • Only works on a single ts and a single v0 column
  • Side Effects: None
  • Input: ts, v0 grid and the interval used for the groups (ie 1 treats 1.50 to 2.49 as 2 and so on)
  • Output: List of dicts as string which can include multiple modes (if two or more numbers appear the same number of times)
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(pastMonth).sfxMode
  • read(cool).hisRead(pastMonth).sfxMode
  • read(power).hisRead(pastMonth).sfxMode(2)

Plot multiple Fourier grids together

  • All input grids must come from sfxFourier()
  • Works on booleans or lambdas of other kinds such as numerics
  • Side Effects: None
  • Input: Multiple Fourier grids
  • Output: Multiple v columns
  • sfxMultiFourier([read(temp and discharge).hisRead(2010-01).sfxFourier(x=>x<60),read(temp and discharge).hisRead(2010-01).sfxFourier(x=>x>80)])
sfxNumbDist(hisGrid, binsOrInterval: 10, theChartType: "bar", raw: true, forceInterval: false, forceCleanStart: false)

Plot bins vs frequency

  • Also shows average and total duration in designated bin
  • Works on booleans, numbers, and strings
  • Only works on a single ts and a single v0 column
  • Set 4th parameter (raw) to false to see percentages instead of counts
  • Side Effects: None
  • Input: ts, v0 grid
  • Output: Transmuted history grid of ts, v0 columns
  • Bins used appears in col meta data
  • read(cool).hisRead(2016-07).sfxNumbDist
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(2016-07).sfxNumbDist
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(2016-07).sfxNumbDist(20, "scatter")
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(2010-01).sfxNumbDist(10, "bar", false) // 10 groups
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(2010-01).sfxNumbDist(10, "bar", false, true, true) // groups of x have interval 10 and start at whole number
sfxRawFilter(hisGrid, delta: 50%)

Show duration buckets (manual)

  • Percentage and Duration thresholds determined manually
  • Debug function called by sfxHisNoiseFilter(), sfxHisShowNoise(), and sfxHisDurPlot()
  • Supports only history grids with a ts, v0 column
  • Side Effects: None
  • Input: ts, v0 grid where v0 can only be numbers
  • Output: Transmuted history grid of ts, v0, v1 = % change, v2 = group start, v3 = group end, v4 = group duration
  • delta used appears in column meta data
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisRawFilter(50%)

Show duration buckets (auto)

  • Percentage and Duration thresholds determined automatically
  • Debug function called by sfxHisNoiseFilter(), sfxHisShowNoise(), and sfxHisDurPlot()
  • Supports only history grids with a ts, v0 column
  • Side Effects: None
  • Input: ts, v0 grid where v0 can only be numbers
  • Output: Transmuted history grid of ts, v0, v1 = % change, v2 = group start, v3 = group end, v4 = group duration
  • delta used and dur to be used appear in column meta data
  • read(temp and discharge).hisRead(yesterday).sfxHisRawFilterAuto
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