sfxGoogleDriveExt icon


Interact with Google Docs
sfxGoogleDriveExtAxon funcs

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This function clears all key values configured for the GDriveExt.

Fantom signature:
@Axon { admin=true; } static Void sfxGoogleDriveClearKeys()

This function will delete the most recently modified file with the given name.

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Dict sfxGoogleDriveDelete(Str fileName)

This function will delete all files edited on or before the provided date. The format is: D-M-YYYY

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Grid sfxGoogleDriveDeleteByDate(Str date)
sfxGoogleDriveDownload(fileName, path)

This function will download the most recently modified file with the given file name to the path specified. The path is relative to the current project directory.

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Dict sfxGoogleDriveDownload(Str fileName, Uri path)

This function will list the files and their id's that are available for access through the gdriveExt.

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Grid sfxGoogleDriveListFiles()

This function uses the currently configured keys and checks to see if they are valid.

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Void sfxGoogleDrivePing()
sfxGoogleDriveShare(fileName, sharing: null, shareMessage: null)

This function will share the most recently modified file with the given file name with the users specified in the sharing dictionary. It will also specify to send the users upon sharing the file. Configuration on sharing found here

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Dict sfxGoogleDriveShare(Str fileName, Dict? sharing := null, Str? shareMessage := null)
sfxGoogleDriveUpdate(fileName, filePath: null, fileData: null, sharing: null)

This function finds the most recently modified file with the given file name, and will update that record with the specified file, metadata, and sharing properties. Configuration on fileData found here Configuration on sharing found here

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Dict sfxGoogleDriveUpdate(Str fileName, Uri? filePath := null, Dict? fileData := null, Dict? sharing := null)
sfxGoogleDriveUpload(filePath, fileData: null, sharing: null)

This function takes in a path (relative to the current project) to a file, an optional dictionary of file metadata, and an optional dictionary of a dictionary mapping email addresses to their access capabilities. It will upload the file, write the metadata, and share the file accordingly. Configuration on fileData found here Configuration on sharing found here

Fantom signature:
@Axon static Dict sfxGoogleDriveUpload(Uri filePath, Dict? fileData := null, Dict? sharing := null)
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