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Interface extension for the Wattile Python package

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The NREL Wattile extension, nrelWattileExt, provides an interface for Wattile, a Python package for probabilistic prediction of building energy consumption. This extension is developed and maintained by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Caution! Wattile and nrelWattileExt are beta software. Syntax and interfaces are subject to change and you may experience unexpected behavior. Report bugs for Wattile here and for nrelWattileExt here.


Wattile predicts discrete quantiles of the probability distribution of a target quantity (typically power or energy consumption) using historical time series data from one or more predictors (typically weather data). Wattile is a variant of quantile regression, in which the goal is to predict the conditional probability distribution of some quantity y given x. In other words, for a given input x and quantile q (0 ≤ q ≤ 1), predict a value z such that:

  • There is probability q that y ≤ z
  • There is probability (1−q) that y > z

So, for example, if q = 0.25 (the 25th percentile) and the Wattile prediction output is 3, it means the Wattile model predicts that 25% of the time the target quantity will be less than or equal to 3 and 75% of the time the target quantity will be greater than 3 (given the values of the predictors).


SkySpark runs Wattile within a Docker container using the SkySpark ext-py::index extension. Interacting with and syncing predictions from a Wattile model requires five elements:

  1. A Docker image containing Wattile
  2. A ext-task::index for interacting with the Docker image
  3. A trained Wattile model
  4. A Wattile model proxy record
  5. One or more Wattile points that receive predictions from the Wattile model

Docker Container

For compatibility with SkySpark's ext-py::index library, the Wattile Docker image is built on top of the Hxpy image. At this time, the Wattile Docker image for SkySpark is not distributed via a public Docker image registry. To build and install the image, follow these instructions.


The NREL Wattile extension uses the ext-py::index library's persistent sessions feature to maintain an open Python session with the Wattile package loaded. This requires creating a dedicated Wattile Python task. The wattilePythonTask() function handles interaction between SkySpark and the Wattile Python session. Therefore, the task record should look something like this:

dis: "Wattile Python Task"
taskExpr: wattilePythonTask

To use wattilePythonTask() with a named Docker image other than "wattile" (the default), instead use:

taskExpr: (msg) => wattilePythonTask(msg, "myWattileImage")

Note: While the wattileTask tag is not required, its use is recommended because it allows the dedicated Wattile Python task to be queried easily: read(wattileTask)

Wattile Models

A trained Wattile model consists of a set of related files stored within a single directory, including:

  • configs.json: Model configuration parameters
  • predictors_target_config.json: List of model input points (predictors) and the model target (point being predicted)
  • metadata.json: Model metadata (Wattile v0.3 or later)
  • Various data files

For use with SkySpark, a Wattile model's predictors_target_config.json must provide the id of each SkySpark predictor point needed to execute the model. Typically, this information is provided to the Wattile model as part of the training data set.

Each Wattile model must have its own subdirectory within the project's io directory; otherwise it will not be accessible to either SkySpark or the Wattile Python session (see ext-io::doc#handles). Recommended practice is to organize all Wattile models within io/wattile/.

Model Proxy Records

Each Wattile model requires a corresponding SkySpark wattileModel proxy record that stores configuration information about the model. wattileModel records have tags:

wattileModel, uri, and wattilePredictors are required; all other tags are optional.

Model Predictors

The wattilePredictors grid maps SkySpark predictor points to Wattile model input data columns. The predictor grid has columns:

  • id: Unique id of SkySpark point for each predictor (required)
  • column: Predictor column name in the Wattile input data frame (required)
  • dis: Display name of predictor
  • minVal: Used for range cleaning by wattileReadHis()
  • maxVal: Used for range cleaning by wattileReadHis()
  • defVal: Used for range cleaning by wattileReadHis()
  • unit: Unit for Wattile input

id and column are required for every predictor; other columns are optional.

Model Target

wattileTargetRef, if present, associates the Wattile model with its target point, that is, the point whose value the model predicts. If the model proxy record is missing the unit and/or tz tags, the prediction workflow uses the target point's unit and/or tz instead.

Predictor History Read Options

wattileReadOpts controls predictor data cleaning and pre-processing performed by wattileReadHis() during prediction. Best practice is to use the same options that were applied to the training data; these are captured in the export_options dictionary in the JSON configuration file exported by wattileExportTrainingData().

Model Import

The wattileImportModels() function imports Wattile model proxy records from Wattile model directories by reading configuration information from configs.json and predictors_target_config.json. For example:

// Import proxy records for Wattile model subdirectories within `io/wattile/`

To also commit the imported records:


Model Setup

Once the models have been imported to SkySpark, the "setup" action must be run for each model using the Wattile Python task. For example:

// Run model setup for all Wattile models 
readAll(wattileModel).each() model => do
  read(wattileTask).taskSend({action:"setup", model:model}).futureGet

This action configures each model for executing predictions.

Point Records

During a prediction sync, wattilePoint points receive and store prediction history from Wattile models. Each wattilePoint has tags:

To successfully receive predictions during a sync, each point's wattileQuantile must match a discrete quantile predicted by the Wattile model, as determined by the model's configuration.


Model training occurs offline, outside of SkySpark. Steps to train Wattile models from SkySpark data:

  1. Identify the predictor and target points.
  2. Call wattileExportTrainingData() with the predictors, target(s), time span for the training data, output directory, and any desired data pre-processing or export options.
  3. Copy the exported training data set to the computer that will be used to train the Wattile model(s).
  4. Train each model following the Wattile package documentation. An example Python notebook that demonstrates model training is available in the Wattile_Examples GitHub repository.

When data sets originate from SkySpark via wattileExportTrainingData(), Wattile stores the required predictor and target metadata in predictors_target_config.json for later retrieval. Therefore, once trained, the Wattile models can be copied to the SkySpark io directory and imported to SkySpark using the workflow described above.

Note: wattileExportTrainingData() supports exporting data for multiple targets, so the same data set can be used to train multiple models.


The wattilePythonTask() "predict" action executes a Wattile model and returns the predicted quantiles. For example:

// Execute a prediction using a Wattile model
    action: "predict",
    model: read(wattileModel and dis=="My Model"),
    span: yesterday()

Internally, the prediction workflow follows these steps:

  1. Loads the model's grid of predictor points.
  2. Loads the model configuration from disk.
  3. Instantiates the Wattile model in Python.
  4. Configures the model to predict the requested time span.
  5. Reads and pre-processes predictor history via wattileReadHis().
  6. Transfers the predictor history to a Python data frame.
  7. Executes data preparation in Python (this includes time alignment and feature extraction).
  8. Executes the Wattile model's predict() method in Python.
  9. Returns the preduction results to SkySpark.

The "predict" action returns a haystack::Grid of prediction data; see wattilePythonTask() for details.

Prediction Sync

The wattileSyncHis() function uses the "predict" action to automatically sync Wattile predictions to SkySpark point history, mapping points to Wattile models using their wattileModelRef tags. wattileSyncHis() must have access to the dedicated Wattile Python task and is designed to run as its own scheduled task. For example, the following task syncs predictions for all wattilePoint points every 15 minutes:

// Wattile Prediction Sync Task
dis: "Wattile Prediction Point Sync"
obsScheduleFreq: 15min
    readAll(wattilePoint),  // Points
    read(wattileTask),      // Task
    null,                   // Automatic span
    {limit:15day, forecast} // Options

Prediction sync behavior is highly configurable; see wattileSyncHis() for configuration options and their effects. For example, the limit option above restricts predictions to blocks of 15 days at a time, which prevents executing Wattile models with excessively large input data sets.

Initial Sync

Before an automatic span can be used (by setting span to Null), wattilePoint histories must be initialized using a non-Null span. For example:

// Initial prediction sync
    readAll(wattilePoint and not hisEnd), // Uninitialized points
    read(wattileTask),                    // Task
    2020-01-01,                           // Initial span; modify as desired
    {limit:1day}                          // Options

Remember to check that each point has history (non-Null hisEnd) after running this initial sync.

Visualizing Predictions

The function wattileViewPredictionHistory() can be used to visualize Wattile predictions as shaded regions on a time series plot. The appearance of the time series plot can be customized.


    {predictionGradient:["#f6eff7", "#bdc9e1", "#67a9cf", "#02818a"]}


Step-by-step instructions for an end-to-end demonstration of nrelWattileExt is available here.

Published by NREL

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Build date1 day ago
on Mon 14th Oct
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File namenrelWattileExt.pod
File size29.22 kB
SHA1 dd58d1280f1bcd7d441a1d505c82eb00dceb5721
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