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Unable to Bundle Axon Functions
Farhang Razzaghi6th Sep 2022

I'm unable to bundle Axon functions into my pod. It looks like it's loading with the below error. I'm using the full version of PodBuilder with SkySpark (Linux) 3.1.4.

axon::EvalErr: Func failed: afPodBuilder_callSkyJax(Dict msg); args: (Dict3)

sys::Err: Could not call afPodBuilderExt::PodBuilderFuncsImpl.listRecs - java.lang.ClassCastException: class fan.haystack.Marker cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (fan.haystack.Marker is in unnamed module of loader fan.sys.FanClassLoader @1e127982; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap') [eval:1]
axon::FantomFn.callx (
axon::Fn.callLazy (
axon::Call.eval (
skyarcd::Context.evalOrReadAll (
hx::HxEvalOp.onRequest (
hx::HxApiOp.onService (
skyarcd::ApiWebMod.onService (
skyarcd::HttpRootMod.onService (
wisp::WispActor.process (
wisp::WispActor.receive (
concurrent::Actor._dispatch (
concurrent::Actor._work (
concurrent::ThreadPool$ (


sys::Err: Could not call afPodBuilderExt::PodBuilderFuncsImpl.listRecs - java.lang.ClassCastException: class fan.haystack.Marker cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (fan.haystack.Marker is in unnamed module of loader fan.sys.FanClassLoader @1e127982; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap') (
  afPodBuilderExt::PodBuilderLib.afPodBuilder_callSkyJax (
  jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor261.invoke (Unknown)
  jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (
  java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
  fan.sys.Method.invoke (
  fan.sys.Method$MethodFunc.callList (
  fan.sys.Method.callList (
  axon::FantomFn.doCall (
  axon::AxonContext.callInNewFrame (
  axon::AxonContext.callInNewFrame (
  axon::FantomFn.callx (
  axon::Fn.callLazy (
  axon::Call.eval (
  skyarcd::Context.evalOrReadAll (
  hx::HxEvalOp.onRequest (
  hx::HxApiOp.onService (
  skyarcd::ApiWebMod.onService (
  skyarcd::HttpRootMod.onService (
  wisp::WispActor.process (
  wisp::WispActor.receive (
  concurrent::Actor._dispatch (
  concurrent::Actor._work (
  concurrent::ThreadPool$ (
  sys::CastErr: java.lang.ClassCastException: class fan.haystack.Marker cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (fan.haystack.Marker is in unnamed module of loader fan.sys.FanClassLoader @1e127982; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
    afPodBuilderExt::PodTrioFile.toPodRec (
    afPodBuilderExt::PodTrioRec.make$ (
    afPodBuilderExt::PodTrioRec.make (
    afPodBuilderExt::PodTrioFile.toPodRec (
    afPodBuilderExt::PodManifest.listRecs (
    fan.sys.Func$ (
    haystack::Grid.mapToList (
    fan.sys.List.each (
    haystack::GbGrid.each (
    haystack::Grid$.mapToList (
    haystack::GbGrid.mapToList (
    afPodBuilderExt::PodManifest.listRecs (
    afPodBuilderExt::PodBuilderFuncsImpl.listRecs (
    jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor332.invoke (Unknown)
    jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (
    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
    fan.sys.Method.invoke (
    fan.sys.Method$MethodFunc.callOn (
    fan.sys.Method.callOn ( (
    afPodBuilderExt::PodBuilderLib.afPodBuilder_callSkyJax (
    jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor261.invoke (Unknown)
    jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (
    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
    fan.sys.Method.invoke (
    19 More...
Henry Chatwin6th Sep 2022

Hi Farhang,

That Error would indicate that you have a function within your folio database that has the "doc" field on it set to a Marker, where it's expected type is a String - would you be able to confirm if that's the case?

We'll implement a fix for this as soon as possible, but for now if you change out any "doc" fields that are set to a Marker to instead contain a String, the view should return to a working state.

Let us know if that doesn't sort the issue and we can troubleshoot further.

Farhang Razzaghi6th Sep 2022


Yes, that was the issue and it's fixed now. Thank you for your quick response.

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