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Axon functions for making HTTP requests to REST APIs
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latest afHttpClient version (2.0.8) can not be installed on SkySpark 3.1.1
Gideon Noya1st Nov 2021

Can you make afHttpClient work on SkySpark 3.1.1? I now get this error:


Steve Eynon1st Nov 2021

Hi Gideon,

Thanks for letting us know.

SkySpark v3.1 is major update from v3.0, and as such most existing extensions (for v3.0) do not work with v3.1 - including HTTP Client.

We have been working hard on updating all our extensions, and have already released updates to Pod Builder and Axon Encryptor.

An update to HTTP Client is underway, but due to significant changes to how custom SSL certificates are now held in Fantom, it will take a week or two to complete and release.

Until such a time, let us know if you would need to test with a beta release.

Kind regards,


Gideon Noya3rd Nov 2021

Thank you for letting me know how long it will take. That's much appreciated.

We went back to 3.0.29 and we don't want to do that again so we will wait until the official update is available.

Gideon Noya10th Nov 2021

Hi Steve,

I was wondering if the new 2.0.10 version is compatible with SkySpark 3.1.1. I can't find it in the changelog

Steve Eynon10th Nov 2021

Hello Gideon,

Some good news; the just released HTTP Client v2.1.0 IS compatible with SkySpark v3.1.1.

Many customers have not quite made the the leap to the new SkySpark version yet, so we wanted get out an updated release that fixes some issues for them first.

It also ensures the same updates are available in this new release for SkySpark v3.1.

Thank you for your patience,


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