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BAM hosts Fantom Wars 2017
Emma Eynon3rd Nov 2017

Robert wins BAM's Escape the Mainframe competition with a top score of 1702!

When the Escape the Mainframe game (made in Fantom) was released as a SkySpark extension on StackHub by AlienFactory, BAM Energy Systems decided to host an internal competition, called "Fantom Wars" on their SkySpark development server.

Due to elevated interest and fierce battles for top place, this 3 week event was extended to over a month!

The public Hi-Score server for Escape the Mainframe was upgraded to accept ZINC requests and BAM responded by creating their very own SkySpark View for analysing the top scores; including a Productivity Monitor!

Monitor image

For the closing ceremony BAM commissioned a bespoke winners cup and coffee mug, while Alien-Factory gifted generous amounts of branded magnets, stickers, and badges.

Robert, we dub thee: Fantom Wars Champion 2017!


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