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nhaystack module for Niagara AX
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Palette Failing to Update after selection
Leland Stenquist10th Sep 2021

I installed nHaystackAX using the Platform Software Manager. After the install I go to the palette. I find and select nhaystack using the search option. It does come up, but when I select it the Pallete menu does not change at all.

Is there possibly a step I am missing or a way to debug why I can't get the nHaystackService to show up in the Pallete?

The instructions I am following are here:



Chad Ruch10th Sep 2021

Leland, Since you have chosen to install nHaystackAX using the Platform Software Manager, I assume you are installing the module onto a JACE running and AX (3.#) version of Tridium Niagara.

Please provide the following so we can better support you:

  1. nHaystackAX module version. I am assuming it is v1.3.1 since it is the only version listed on StackHub - just want to be sure!
  2. Tridium Niagara software brand, i.e. Vykon, Honeywell, JCI, etc.
  3. Tridium Niagara software version. Please be specific as possible. Ex.: 3.8.504
  4. Tridium Niagara Hardward Type, i.e. J-300E, J-600, J-600E, J-700, etc.
Leland Stenquist13th Sep 2021

Thanks for getting back to me:

  1. nHaystackAX module version: nHaystackAX v1.3.1 (Downloaded form StackHub)
  2. Vendor: Tridium
  3. Version:
  4. It is running on a workstation not a JACE
    • Windows 7
    • JVM 1.7
Leland Stenquist14th Sep 2021

Hi Chad,

I just wanted to check and see if you got my last message and if it included all the information you need. Thanks!

Richard McElhinney15th Sep 2021

Hi Leland,

Could you start the Workbench from the Niagara console and capture the output and post it please. I'm interested to see the exception/stack trace that happens when you try to load the nhaystack palette.

Leland Stenquist16th Sep 2021

Here is the output:

WARNING [09:47:53 16-Sep-21 PDT][timezone] No niagara.timezone in !/lib/system.properties, set one using the Platform Administrator
MESSAGE [09:47:53 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys.registry] Up-to-date [29ms]
MESSAGE [09:47:53 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys.registry] Loaded [77ms]
MESSAGE [09:47:53 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys] Baja runtime booted ("C:\niagara\niagara-3.8.37") on Win-9AE1-C5A9-5D6D-13B8
MESSAGE [09:47:53 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys] Loading "C:\niagara\niagara-3.8.37\stations\UrbanUnion_ENS\config.bog"...
MESSAGE [09:47:57 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys] Loaded (3120ms)
MESSAGE [09:47:57 16-Sep-21 PDT][alarm.database] Loading...
MESSAGE [09:47:57 16-Sep-21 PDT][alarm.database] Loaded [78ms, 500 alarms, 1904 pages]
MESSAGE [09:47:58 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys] Services Initialized (873ms)
MESSAGE [09:47:58 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys.mixin] Updated [32ms]
MESSAGE [09:47:58 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys.mixin] Updated [15ms]
MESSAGE [09:48:00 16-Sep-21 PDT][history.db] Starting async warmup of history config index...
MESSAGE [09:48:09 16-Sep-21 PDT][web.server] HTTP server started on port [80]
MESSAGE [09:48:10 16-Sep-21 PDT][fox] FOX server started on port [1911]
MESSAGE [09:48:10 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys] Niagara Runtime Environment:
MESSAGE [09:48:10 16-Sep-21 PDT][sys] *** Station Started (11731ms) [16981ms total] ***
niagara>WARNING [09:48:10 16-Sep-21 PDT][crypto] cert chain for tridium has an out of date certificate
WARNING [09:48:10 16-Sep-21 PDT][crypto] cert chain for tridium has an out of date certificate
MESSAGE [09:48:10 16-Sep-21 PDT][web.server] HTTPS server started on port [443]
MESSAGE [09:48:10 16-Sep-21 PDT][fox] FOXS server started on port [4911]
MESSAGE [09:48:16 16-Sep-21 PDT][history.db] Async history config index warmup completed in 16099 ms.
WARNING [09:49:20 16-Sep-21 PDT][fox] Closing session [5: Server doesn't match opened session [null]
MESSAGE [09:49:22 16-Sep-21 PDT][fox] Opened: 6 <- 3 :: Workbench @ URBANUNION-PC
ERROR [09:52:53 16-Sep-21 PDT][alarm] DefaultStationRecipient: Station '' not Configured in the Database
ERROR [09:52:53 16-Sep-21 PDT][alarm] MaintenanceStationRecipient: Station '' not Configured in the Database
Leland Stenquist16th Sep 2021

We were able to get it to work with an older driver.

Chad Ruch16th Sep 2021


Happy to hear you got it working with an earlier version of nHaystackAx! Can you please provide the version of the nHaystackAx module that you used in your AX 3.8.38 instance for our reference to add to a compatibility matrix?

The Niagara version that you indicated you are using (AX 3.8.38) is very old - released in early 2014. I highly recommend upgrading all of your AX 3.8 instances to the latest version AX 3.8 Update 5 (AX 3.8.504) that was released in early 2020. This includes many bug and security vulnerability fixes, and is the last version of AX that was released before the AX end of life that occurred on 07/01/2021.

I have no doubt that the latest version of nHaystackAx (v1.3.1) will work with Niagara AX 3.8.504 since nHaystackAx (v1.3.1) has a Niagara AX/vendorVersion dependency of 3.8.401 or higher ( see my message to Richard below ).

Thank you for your updates to the post. Let us know if you decide to take any further action, or have any further questions!


For your reference, I was able to replicate Leland's issue using AX Since Leland was not even able to get the Palette to open/display in the Workbench Palette Pane, there is no Application Director output that can be produced since he was not able to drag/drop the Haystack Service under Station/Services. Here is the console output when trying to open/display the Palette in the Workbench Palette Pane:

[nhaystack]  Module or Palette does not exist! Do something!

When you look in the nHaystack.jar/module.xml under <dependencies> it is clear why Leland or I could not get this to work - it is because all dependencies must have a vendorVersion of "3.8.401" or higher.

  <dependency name="alarm" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="baja" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="bajaui" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="bql" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="concurrent" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="control" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="driver" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="file" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="fox" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="gx" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="history" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="net" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="schedule" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="web" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>
  <dependency name="workbench" vendor="Tridium" vendorVersion="3.8.401"/>

Let's talk about creating a version compatibility matrix to have handy on here for everyone to view and reference. I will help maintain and test the different versions. As I am sure you will agree, we will want to recommend AX 3.8.504 for all users of nHaystackAx as a best practice, but note that AX 3.8.401 or higher is required for nHaystackAx (v1.3.1).

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