Hey there,
First, thanks for developing this fantastic extension! super useful.
I'm running into an error however and hoping you could maybe add some logic to handle this in a future release.
This is the error:
axon::EvalErr: Func failed: poiReadSheetByNameAsStr(POIReader poi,Str sheetname); args: (POIReader,Str) sys::Err: org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.NotImplementedException: Error evaluating cell 'My Sheet name'!Q1190
It seems to be stumbling when it encounters cells that it doesn't know how to evaluate. In my sheet these are cells with super complicated logic. I'm wondering if you could just skip over these cells or add something akin to what excel does when it has logic errors i.e. "#ERROR" or "#NAME" so that the sheet can still be read ?
thanks! Annie