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Christopher Hartley4th Apr 2022

Hi John!

I've started to test our pods against 3.1.3, and found this error after installing ccPoiTools and ccPoiToolsExt. I can't find any mention of "Cannot reflect lib:" errors in the SkyFoundry forum. All available SkySpark 3.1.3 patches have been installed (4 as of the writing of this post), running on a Windows 10 machine, and Java version (shown below). Let me know if you need anything else to help support troubleshooting!

java version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 17.0.2+8-LTS-86)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.2+8-LTS-86, mixed mode, sharing)
[2022-04-04 11:13:49] <defc> {} [err] Cannot reflect lib: ccPoiTools [ccPoiToolsExt::PoiToolsExt]
  sys::Err: Load from [ccPoiToolsExt] com.crowleycarbon.poi.POIReader
    fan.sys.Env.loadJavaType (
    fan.sys.Pod.type ( (
    fan.sys.ClassType.doReflect (
    fan.sys.ClassType.reflect (
    fan.sys.ClassType.methods (
    defc::Reflect.reflectMethods (
    defc::Reflect.reflectInput (
    defc::Reflect.reflectLib (
    fan.sys.List.each (
    defc::Reflect.reflectLib ( (
    fan.sys.Func$ (
    fan.sys.Map.each (
    defc::DefCompilerStep.eachLib ( ( (
    fan.sys.List.each ( (
    defc::DefCompiler.runBackend (
    defc::DefCompiler.compileNamespace (
    skyarcd::Sys.recompileInstalledNamespace (
    skyarcd::Sys.reload (
    installMod::InstallPipeline.finish (
    installMod::InstallPipeline.install (
    5 More...
    sys::Err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.crowleycarbon.poi.POIReader (
      fan.sys.FanClassLoader.findClass (
      java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
      java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
      fan.sys.Env.nameToClass (
      fan.sys.Env.loadJavaType (
      fan.sys.Pod.type ( (
      fan.sys.ClassType.doReflect (
      fan.sys.ClassType.reflect (
      fan.sys.ClassType.methods (
      defc::Reflect.reflectMethods (
      defc::Reflect.reflectInput (
      defc::Reflect.reflectLib (
      fan.sys.List.each (
      defc::Reflect.reflectLib ( (
      fan.sys.Func$ (
      fan.sys.Map.each (
      defc::DefCompilerStep.eachLib ( ( (
      fan.sys.List.each ( (
      defc::DefCompiler.runBackend (
      12 More...
John MacEnri5th Apr 2022

Hi Christopher. I'll check that out and let you know. I haven't seen that before and we are actively using the extension and have also upgraded to 3.1.3 but we're on Java 11. We plan to move to 17 quite soon, but I can test on that now anyway.


John MacEnri5th Apr 2022

Hi Christopher.

I haven't been able to reproduce the problem. I've tested it using SkySpark v3.1.3 running on Java 17 and it seems ok. But I thought it's worth a clean build of the latest code, using v3.1.3 build environment might clear the problem you're having.

If you download both the ccPoiTools and ccPoiToolsExt latest builds, which are both set to v1.1.1, they are built against SkySpark v3.1.3 and compatible with each other.

Let me know how you get on with that. Hopefully it will resolve it for you.

Regards, John.

Christopher Hartley5th Apr 2022


We just tested it, and no more errors! Thank you very much, and have a great week!


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